In our last capsule we have flown over the 5 domains to be transformed in order to have an Agile Business.
Now, in this capsule, we will walk through the objective of an agile transformation. To do this, we are going to build 3 definitions:
1. A business is a recursive relationship (metabolism is a metaphor that can describe it):
- Between a construct (concept), a network of people and the environment (market).
- Where the network stretches around the concept to bring it to life and constantly redefine it based on the interchange of meanings, and also
- Based on the changing needs of the environment (market).
2. Agile Transformation is focused on changing the way:
- What we think and we act in the company.
- We take advantage of frameworks that made simple the complex reality, decomposing it in fundamental elements.
- We use them as quality assurance systems in order to take care of the integrity related to:
- how we think, how we talk, and how we do, so values, principles and practices help US to clarity the objective model that we want to adopt and serve as learning stages to reach habits that make possible results.
3. We make an agile transformation to create agile businesses.
For now, that’s all, in our next capsule we will reinforce some significative topics that we have exposed here.
Thank you very much.
Miguel Martínez, October 16th 2020.