
Servant & Multiplier Leadership,

Business Agility Internal Enablers.

In our last capsule we check the 3 relevant areas to enable Business Agility in our organization.

Now, in this capsule, we will fly over the company domains that we need to transform in order to have an agile busines and to interact effectively in a VUCA environment; remember that they act as internal enablers:

  • The first domain is Strategy: To set a shared purpose and vision to inspire action, we focus on a massive transformative purpose, to establish a significant transformation to an industry or market and actionable strategic guidance.
  • The second domain is Structure: To impact this domain we create digital initiatives as cells, fit to purpose and accountable cells, which are networks of empowered teams with clear accountable roles & communities of Practice.
  • The third domain is Process: In order to have a better metabolism, rapid decision & learning cycles are going to be established, as well as, an early feedback & ROI, high performance teams unlocked and continuous learning.
  • The fourth domain is People: A dynamic talent model, shared and servant leadership, cohesive community, and entrepreneurial drive are needed.
  • And fifth domain is Technology: Scalability as a business enabler and technologies to leverage exponential attributes of an exponential organization.

For now, we will get here, in the next capsule we will review the approach of an agile transformation in a traditional company.

SelfOrganization & Delivery Responsability, Servant & Multiplier Leadership,

What is Business Agility?

An Agile Business is:

The constant adjustment of the company’s metabolism, so that, it listens and responds better to change, for the benefit of the client “.

So, Business Agility help us to increase the level of adaptability of the company.

There are 3 major areas that are important to enable Business Agility at our companies:

1.The first is to Focus:
A. In the customer centrality and
B. emphasis on the development of the potential of our collaborators.

2. The second is to Enable Agile Delivery:
A. Modify the internal metabolism of the organization.
B. Gain a speed greater than or equal to its environment.

3. And the third is a Deliberate design and it´s constant fit, which consist on,
A. Constant alignment
B. Autonomy and
C. Responsibility in delivering results.
#exponentialagility #businessagility #agiletransformation

Manchester, UK - 4 May 2017: Defocused Shot Of Bars In Manchester's Deansgate At Night
Servant & Multiplier Leadership,

The need of more agile business.

Today we live in a high volatile environment, the acronym “VUCA” is used to better describe it. The meaning of its letters is: Volatile, Uncertain, Chaotic and Ambiguous, they are amplified by the next 4 trends:

1. Market Volatility, which is composed by the conditions of uncertainty due to access to opportunities and consumption democratization.

2. The Global Environmental Crises. Where business continuity operations have accelerated remote work and digital transformation as the new normal (Uncertainty).

3. The disruptive technologies, are changing traditional processes which will never be the same again (Chaotic).

4. It is attenuated by the Abundance Mindset, the value chain of big business is being decomposed by small companies, the disruptive potential of entrepreneurs has never been so high (Ambiguous).

Agile help us to increase the abilities to manage the frequency of change in the Business Priorities, to navigate this environment we need a more agile business.
#BusinessAgility #VUCA #AgileTransformation

Servant & Multiplier Leadership,

Agility and cultural entropy (1/4).

Remember that there are three necessary conditions to create an agile business:

(1) “Real” focus on people’s satisfaction and positive experience,

  1. That resides in the creation of a centrality in the client and in the
  2. Emphasis on the development of the potential of our employees at all levels (strategic, tactical and operational).

(2) Creation of an internal metabolism in the organization, faster or closer to the speed of the environment, to register and better respond to change, for the benefit of our clients.

(3) Which implies a “dynamism and constant adjustment of this business metabolism”.

Which means that the growth and development of the company is a function of the growth and development of the potential of our collaborators, at all levels and their centrality towards the client.

F (collaborative mindset growth and customer focus) = (sustained growth and development of the company).

Agility and cultural entropy.

In this series of 4 articles, we will develop the theme of agility based on a counterexample: “organizational entropy, ceo centrism (organizations focused on the CEO) and vipism (Organizations focused on the levels of Vice Presidency, where each vice presidency is a silo) ”, for this we will take a real practical case of a company of this type, we have modified the names to preserve the confidentiality“ CABLETRONIX ”.

Figure 1: CABLETRONIX, the company of the future.

The idea is to highlight a real case, of what should not be done and propose a solution and approach to what, if it should be done, that is not the only thing.

But to all this, which is entropy: “Cultural entropy is the amount of energy consumed in the performance of unproductive or unnecessary work.” The main source of cultural entropy in an organization are the fear-based actions and behaviors of its leaders, managers and supervisors, the main fear is of losing their job, although there may be several sources.

Figure 2: A metaphor for cultural entropy in the organization.

This means that cultural entropy is the opposite of psychological security, taking up Amy Edmondson’s definition:

“It is an environment where people genuinely believe that openness is welcome.

An environment where learning often happens, where people can develop through positive, confrontational, challenging and open conversations.

“Psychological safety is” a sense of confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject or punish someone for speaking up. It describes a team climate characterized by interpersonal trust and mutual respect in which people feel comfortable being themselves, when we refer to a team, the environment they are in has a relevant impact on it, therefore its frontier of analysis widens”.

It is one of the main responsibilities of leadership today, where to lead by example it is necessary to live it.

So, entropy is simulation and fiction due to the fear created by something or someone to influence their actions and behavior, it can be deliberate or not, a behavior can be that it is always busy, have we heard that before?

Figure 3: We do Busyness instead of Business.

In this delivery we will advance to here, please feel free to leave your comments and write to us at

Miguel A. G. Martínez H., October 12, 2020.

Greetings to all,


  1. BARRETT, R. (2017). BUILDING A VALUES-DRIVEN ORGANIZATION. Place of publication not identified: ROUTLEDGE.
  2. Clark, T. R. (2020). The 4 stages of psychological safety. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
  3. Edmondson, A. (2018). The fearless organization: Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation and growth. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  4. McHale, S. (2020). Insider’s Guide to Culture Change: Creating a Workplace That Delivers, Grows, and Adapts. HarperCollins Leadership.
  5. Radecki, D., Hull, L., McCusker, J., & Ancona, C. (2018). Psychological safety: The key to happy, high-performing people and teams. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: ABL.
  6. Scott, K. M. (2019). Radical candor: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity. New York: St Martin’s Press.
Servant & Multiplier Leadership,

Agilidad y entropía cultural (1/4).

Agilidad y entropía cultural (1/4).

Recordemos que existen tres condiciones necesarias para crear un negocio ágil:

  • Enfoque “real” en la satisfacción y experiencia positiva de las personas,
    1. Que reside en la creación de una centralidad en el cliente y en el
    2. Énfasis del desarrollo del potencial de nuestros colaboradores en todos los niveles (estratégico, táctico y operacional).
  • Creación de un metabolismo interno en la organización, más rápido o cercano a la velocidad del entorno, para censar y responder mejor al cambio, en beneficio de nuestros clientes.
  • Que implica un “dinamismo y ajuste constante de este metabolismo del negocio”.

Lo que quiere decir que el crecimiento y desarrollo de la empresa, está en función del crecimiento y desarrollo del potencial de nuestros colaboradores, en todos sus niveles y su centralidad hacia el cliente.

F (crecimiento mindset colaborador y enfoque al cliente) = (crecimiento y desarrollo sostenido de la empresa).

La agilidad y la entropía cultural.

En esta serie de 4 artículos, desarrollaremos el tema de la agilidad fundamentada en un contraejemplo: “la entropía organizacional, el ceo centrismo (organizaciones centradas en el CEO) y el vipismo (Organizaciones centradas en los niveles de Vicepresidencia, donde cada vicepresidencia es un silo)”, para ello tomaremos un caso práctico real de una empresa de este tipo, hemo modificado los nombres para conservar la confidencialidad “CABLETRONIX”.

Figura 1: CABLETRONIX, la empresa del futuro.

La idea es poner en relieve un caso real, de lo que no debiera hacerse y proponer una solución y enfoque de lo que, si debiera hacerse, que no resulta lo único.

Pero a todo esto, que es la entropía: “La entropía cultural es la cantidad de energía consumida en la realización de trabajo improductivo o innecesario”. La fuente principal de la entropía cultural en una organización, son las acciones y comportamientos basados en el miedo de sus líderes, managers y supervisores, el miedo principal es a perder su trabajo, aunque pueden existir varias fuentes.

Figura 2: Una metáfora de la entropía cultural en la organización.

Esto quiere decir que la entropía cultural es lo contrario a la seguridad psicológica, retomando la definición de Amy Edmondson:

“Es un entorno donde las personas creen genuinamente que la franqueza es bienvenida.

Un entorno donde el aprendizaje suele suceder, donde las personas pueden desarrollarse mediante conversaciones positivas, confróntales, desafiantes y abiertas.

“La seguridad psicológica es» una sensación de confianza de que el equipo no avergonzará rechazará o castigará a alguien por hablar. Describe un clima de equipo caracterizado por la confianza interpersonal y el respeto mutuo en el que las personas se sienten cómodas siendo ellas mismas, cuando nos referimos a un equipo, el ambiente el que se encuentra tiene un impacto relevante en el mismo, por lo cual su frontera de análisis se amplía”.

Es uno de las principales responsabilidades del liderazgo el día de hoy, donde para predicar con el ejemplo es necesario vivirla.

Entonces la entropía es simulación y ficción debida al miedo creado por algo o alguien para influir en sus acciones y comportamiento, puede ser deliberado o no, un comportamiento puede ser que siempre se esta ocupado, hemos escuchado eso antes?.

Figura 3: Hacemos Busyness en lugar de Business.

En esta entrega avanzaremos hasta aquí, por favor siéntete libre de dejar tus comentarios y escribirnos a

Miguel A. G. Martínez H., 12 de octubre del 2020.

Saludos a todos,


  1. BARRETT, R. (2017). BUILDING A VALUES-DRIVEN ORGANIZATION. Place of publication not identified: ROUTLEDGE.
  2. Clark, T. R. (2020). The 4 stages of psychological safety. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
  3. Edmondson, A. (2018). The fearless organization: Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation and growth. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  4. McHale, S. (2020). Insider’s Guide to Culture Change: Creating a Workplace That Delivers, Grows, and Adapts. HarperCollins Leadership.
  5. Radecki, D., Hull, L., McCusker, J., & Ancona, C. (2018). Psychological safety: The key to happy, high-performing people and teams. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: ABL.
  6. Scott, K. M. (2019). Radical candor: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity. New York: St Martin’s Press.
Blurred city at night. Bokeh. Abstract background
Risk & Resilience, SelfOrganization & Delivery Responsability,

Lessons learned Agile and COVID 19.

In this article we would like to address in a practical way the explanation of a crisis response model with agile and useful to face any other:

The global scenario that we are living today is the following, according to the IOW, 436 million companies in the world are at risk of closing, unfortunately many have already done so, therefore it is necessary to adopt urgent measures to help these businesses and their collaborators.

The image below simplifies the business reality that is being experienced today. According to Gartner we have 3 phases in the impact of a crisis.

  1. The decline, legislatively established.
  2. The reopening, with subsidies, market protection and restructuring
  3. The new normal, when protectionism fades and subsidies are no longer vital.

These 3 phases in turn involve 3 ways of acting respectively:

  1. Response, immediate actions to keep people and essential business operation, this relatively short period is marked by great effort and potentially chaotic activity. Activities: (1) Temporary solutions to maintain vital business functions.
  2. Recovery, restart of activities, reopening, rehiring, budgeting, supplying, creating a plan to recover a scalable state, more organized / coordinated effort to stabilize operations. Average duration. Key activities: (1) Create a plan to restore a scalable state. (2) Identify the capabilities you need to harden, refactor, reopen, rehire, refund, and replenish and
  3. Renewal, strategic, durable execution process throughout the organization. Using lessons learned and emerging patterns from previous phases as elements of a new foundation, the key activities are: (1) Learn to perform operations processes and workflows in new, repeatable, and scalable ways, (2) Use lessons learned and emerging patterns from earlier phases to coalesce around a new foundation and a way forward.

The way the Recovery is approached will have a significant impact on our position in the market, there is a baseline that raises the return to this new normal. Below the baseline we will find, the reduction of operations and below the withdrawal from the market. In the average or baseline we will have the return, and above this we will have the re-invention and re-escalation or growth.

The decline was framed by 3 key constraints, for most of the businesses:

  1. Mobility and safety, safety of our employees, restricted mobility by decreeing a healthy distance and closing business operations.
  2. Face-to-face communication, enabling a way of working that prevents direct contact between collaborators and clients to safeguard their physical and emotional integrity.
  3. Continuity of operations, identify the priority business processes that allow the continuity of the service, in such a way that all those that can be operated under the 2 previous restrictions were a reality, the base tool is remote work.

The key trends for business recovery have been the following:

  1. Digital Transformation, enable the infrastructure and automation of business processes that allow a digital operation.
  2. Remote Work, enable virtual work to provide an operation platform that allows digital interactions of the business, clients and collaborators.
  3. Agile to maximize value and accelerate recovery, operate agile every day.

Graph 1: Agile and COVID 19.

Source: Miguel Martínez (2020). Based on Gartner (6).

At Exponential Agility we have outlined our own strategy aligned with this approach, we initially published it 6 months ago, the main premises of agile for planning for response, recovery and renewal consist of:

A. ACCEPTING CHANGE AND ACTIONABLE THINKING: (1) Decentralize decision-making, (2) generate alternatives for the benefit of the (3) psychological safety of the environment and (4) business economics.

B. ESTABLISHING A CONTINUOUS, OPEN AND TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION CHANNEL:(1) Establish teams and feedback loops at all levels, (2) Clarify and manage expectations in these cycles with stakeholders, (3) Define what value is.

C. IDENTIFY AND MEET CRITICAL NEEDS: (1) Not everything is easy to do, nor everything should be done, (2) Decompose and define the situation into manageable pieces, (3) Gain clarity and prioritize attention to needs based on the definition of value.

D. CO-CREATE THE MEANINGFUL SOLUTIONS: (1) Be a facilitator, co-create solutions as hypotheses to be tested (2) Prioritize by defining value and causality, (3) Act with meaning and experiment with hypotheses.

E. DELIVER THE RESULTS IN AN ITERATIVE, INCREMENTAL AND EMERGING WAY: (1) Execution discipline in the feedback of results in the established cycles, (2) Preserve alignment, autonomy to ensure delivery of solutions, (3) Ensure the psychological safety of the environment.

F. PERFORM A JOB INSPECTION AND ADAPTATION: (1) Review and feedback the results according to the established cycles, (2) Adapt the results based on the lessons learned from the target achievement level, (3) Improve or pivot.

Graph 2: Agile Mindset for Attention to a Crisis.

Source: Miguel Martínez (2020). Own Elaboration.

 Thus, we must maintain this mental focus to plan the activities of our delivery roadmap, remembering the flow orientation and the short time limits to execute our blogs, after having our agile roadmap that defines how we will deliver our strategy, let’s remember where we want to reach each phase and if that is going to help us reach the next level. We would thus have 5 possible archetypes of scenarios:

Table 1: Possible Positions in the Market.

Source: Gartner (6).

Gartner describes possible post-pandemic pathways as rescale, reinvent, go back, downsize, and retire, although many of those pathways are not straightforward. It is in the renewal phase that wise leaders take the opportunity to reestablish or rebuild their business models and operations for a new reality, regardless of the current state or inertial behavior, the truth is that it is necessary to see it with a new mindset that is what most challenging of all.

Table 2: Phases of attention of a crisis.

Source: Miguel Martínez (2020). Own Elaboration based on Gartner (6).

To gain clarity and conduct future product inspections and adaptations, we will use a product framework and roadmap, using the approach outlined by Roman Peachler at Strategize, to define our vision and strategy.

Graph 3: Product strategy.

Source: Strategize by Roman Pichler (12).

Graph 4: Crisis Response Strategy Framework.

Source: Miguel Martínez (2020). Based on Strategize by Roman Pichler (12).

Graph 5: Exemplary Roadmap.

Source: Mindwires.

Graph 6: Phases of attention to a crisis.

Source: Miguel Martínez (2020). Own Elaboration based on Gartner (6).

Agile is a strategy for the response, recovery and renewal of business, useful to face almost any type of crisis, it allows us to accelerate our digital transformation, combined with remote work and leveraged with the normalization of a new way of working, as a leader Executive of a business, do you expect another crisis to impact your business? We invite you to transform yourself so that this impact is positive and your company enjoys advantages, at Exponential Agility we can help you.

Contact us at:

Thank you very much for reading our articles.

Miguel Martínez, October 2020.


  1. AG, D. (2020, March 10). Respond and Recover | Crisis management in unprecedented times. Retrieved August 20, 2020, from
  2. Allas, T., Sjatil, P. E., Stern, S., & Windhage, E. (2020, April). How European businesses can position themselves for recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  3. C, B., 2020. Domains Of Business Agility – Business Agility Institute. [online] Business Agility Institute. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2020].
  4. Dreyfus model of skill acquisition. (2020, June 18). Retrieved September 18, 2020, from
  5. Harvard business essentials: Crisis management: Master the skills to prevent disasters. (2004). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  6. Howard, C., 2020. Reset Your Business Strategy In COVID-19 Recovery. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2020].
  7. Mahadevan, D. (2018, February 20). ING’s agile transformation. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from
  8. Mitchell, C. (n.d.). The Conference Board – TCB C Suite Challenge 2020 Covid19 Recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  9. LEANTALK, 2020. The Ultimate Lean Talk Forum and Blog- About Us. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 September 2020].
  10. One, V. (n.d.). 14th Annual State of Agile Report. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  11. O’rreally, B. (2020, May 11). Scaling Innovation Means Descaling Work. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  12. Pichler, R. (2016). Strategize: Product strategy and product roadmap practices for the digital age. Lieu de publication non identifié, DE: Pichler Consulting.
  13. Saenz, H., Supko, M., &amp; O’Keefe, D. (n.d.). Why Return to “Normal” When You Can Recover to a Winning Position? Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
Blurred city at night. Bokeh. Abstract background
Risk & Resilience, SelfOrganization & Delivery Responsability,

Lecciones aprendidas Agile y COVID 19.

El escenario global que se vive el día de hoy es el siguiente: según la OIT, 436 millones de empresas en el mundo se encuentran en riesgo de cerrar, desafortunadamente muchas ya lo han hecho, por ello es necesario adoptar medidas urgentes para ayudar a estos negocios y a sus colaboradores.

Agile es una estrategia para la respuesta, recuperación y renovación de los negocios, útil para enfrentar casi cualquier tipo de crisis, nos permite acelerar nuestra transformación digital, combinada con el trabajo remoto y apalancada con la normalización de una nueva forma de trabajo, como líder ejecutivo de un negocio, ¿esperas que otra crisis impacte a tu negocio, ¿qué esperas para implantar Agile?.

Lecciones aprendidas Agile y COVID 19.

En este artículo nos gustaría abordar de forma práctica la explicación de un modelo de atención a crisis con agile y útil para enfrentar cualquier otra:

El escenario global que se vive el día de hoy es el siguiente, según la OIT, 436 millones de empresas en el mundo se encuentran en riesgo de cerrar, desafortunadamente muchas ya lo han hecho, por ello es necesario adoptar medidas urgentes para ayudar a estos negocios y a sus colaboradores.

 La imagen a continuación simplifica la realidad empresarial que se está viviendo el día de hoy. Según Gartner tenemos 3 fases en el impacto de una crisis.

  1. El declive, legislativamente instaurada.
  2. La reapertura, con subsidios, protección de mercados y reestructuraciones
  3. La nueva normalidad, cuando se desvanece el proteccionismo y los subsidios ya no son vitales.

Estas 3 fases implican a su vez 3 formas de actuar respectivamente:

  1. Respuesta, acciones inmediatas para mantener a las personas y la operación esencial del negocio, este período relativamente corto está marcado por un gran esfuerzo y una actividad potencialmente caótica. Actividades: (1) Soluciones temporales para mantener las funcionas vitales del negocio.
  2. Recuperación, reinicio de las actividades, reapertura, recontratación, presupuestación, proveeduría, creación de un plan para recuperar un estado escalable, esfuerzo más organizado / coordinado para estabilizar las operaciones. Duración media. Actividades clave: (1) Cree un plan para restaurar un estado escalable. (2) Identifique las capacidades que necesita para fortalecer, refactorizar, reabrir, recontratar, reembolsar y reabastecer y
  3. Renovación, estratégico, proceso de ejecución durable a lo largo de la organización. Uso de lecciones aprendidas y patrones emergentes de fases previas como elementos de una nueva fundación, las actividades clave son: (1) Aprenda a realizar procesos de operaciones y flujos de trabajo de formas nuevas, repetibles y escalables, (2) Utilice las lecciones aprendidas y los patrones emergentes de fases anteriores para fusionarse en torno a una nueva base y un camino a seguir.

La forma que se aborde la Recuperación tendrá un impacto significativo en nuestra posición en el mercado, existe una línea base que plantea el regreso a esta nueva normalidad. Por debajo de la línea base encontraremos, la reducción de las operaciones y más abajo la retirada del mercado. En el promedio o línea base tendremos el regreso, y por encima de este tendremos la re-invención y re-escalación o crecimiento.

El declive estuvo enmarcado por 3 restricciones clave, para gran parte de los negocios:

  1. Movilidad y seguridad, seguridad de nuestros colaboradores, movilidad restringida al decretar una sana distancia y cerrar las operaciones de los negocios.
  2. Comunicación cara a cara, habilitación de una forma de trabajo que impidiera el contacto directo entre colaboradores y clientes para salvaguardar su integridad, física y emocional.
  3. Continuidad de las operaciones, identificar los procesos prioritarios del negocio que permiten la continuidad del servicio, de tal forma que todos aquellos que se pueden operar bajo las 2 restricciones previas eran una realidad, la herramienta base es el trabajo remoto.

Las tendencias clave para la recuperación de los negocios han sido las siguientes:

  1. Transformación Digital, habilitar la infraestructura y la automatización de procesos del negocio que permita una operación digital.
  2. Trabajo Remoto, habilitar el trabajo virtual para proporcionar una plataforma de operación que permita las interacciones digitales del negocio, clientes y colaboradores.
  3. Agile para maximizar el valor y acelerar la recuperación, operar con ágil todos los días.

Gráfica 1: Agile y COVID 19.

Fuente: Miguel Martínez (2020). Basada en Gartner (6).

En Exponential Agility hemos delineado una estrategia propia alineada a este enfoque, la hemos publicado inicialmente hace 6 meses, las premisas principales de agile para realizar una planeación para la respuesta, recuperación y renovación consisten en:

  1. ACEPTAR EL CAMBIO Y PENSAMIENTO ACCIONABLE: (1) Descentralizar la toma de decisiones, (2) generar alternativas en beneficio de la (3) seguridad psicológica del ambiente y la (4) economía del negocio.
  2. ESTABLECER UN CANAL DE COMUNICACIÓN, CONTINUO, ABIERTO Y TRANSPARENTE: (1) Establecer equipos y ciclos de retroalimentación en todos los niveles, (2) Clarificar y gestionar expectativas en estos ciclos con los stakeholders, (3) Definir qué es valor.
  3. IDENTIFICAR Y SATISFACER LAS NECESIDADES CRÍTICAS: (1) Ni todo es fácil de hacer, ni todo debe hacerse, (2) Descomponer y definir en piezas manejables la situación, (3) Ganar claridad y priorizar la atención de necesidades con base a la definición de valor.
  4.  CO-CREAR LAS SOLUCIONES SIGNIFICATIVAS: (1) Ser un facilitador, co-crear las soluciones como hipótesis a probar (2) Priorizar mediante la definición de valor y a la causalidad, (3) Actuar con significado y experimentar las hipótesis.
  5. ENTREGAR DE FORMA ITERATIVA, INCREMENTAL Y EMERGENTE LOS RESULTADOS:(1) Disciplina de ejecución en la retroalimentación de resultados en los ciclos establecidos, (2) Preservar la alineación, autonomía para asegurar entrega de soluciones, (3) Velar por la seguridad psicológica del ambiente.
  6. REALIZAR UNA INSPECCIÓN Y ADAPTACIÓN DEL TRABAJO: (1) Revisar y retroalimentar los resultados de acuerdo a los ciclos establecidos, (2) Adaptar los resultados con base a las lecciones aprendidas del nivel de logro objetivo, (3) Mejorar o pivotar.

 Gráfica 2: Mindset Agile para la Atención a una Crisis.

Fuente: Miguel Martínez (2020). Elaboración Propia.

Así, debemos mantener este enfoque mental para planear las actividades de nuestro roadmap de entrega, recordando la orientación al flujo y las fronteras de tiempo cortas para ejecutar nuestras bitácoras, después de tener nuestro roadmap de agile que define como entregaremos nuestra estrat, recordemos a donde queremos llegar en cada fase y si eso nos va ayudar a alcanzar el siguiente nivel. Tendríamos así 5 posibles arquetipos de escenarios:

Tabla 1: Posibles Posiciones en el Mercado.

Fuente: Gartner(6).

Gartner describe las posibles vías pospandémicas como reescalar, reinventar, regresar, reducir y retirar, aunque muchas de esas vías no son directas. Es en la fase de renovación que los líderes sabios aprovechan la oportunidad para restablecer o reconstruir sus modelos de negocio y operaciones para una nueva realidad, independientemente del estado actual o comportamiento inercial, lo cierto es que es necesario verlo con un nuevo mindset que es lo más retador de todo.

Tabla 2: Fases de atención de una crisis.

Fuente: Miguel Martínez (2020). Basado en Gartner(6).

 Para ganar claridad y realizar futuras inspecciones y adaptaciones del producto, usaremos un marco y roadmap de producto, usando el enfoque descrito por Roman Peachler en Strategize,para definir nuestra visión y estrategia.

Grafica 3: Estrategia de producto.

Fuente: Strategize de Roman Pichler (12).

Gráfica 4: Marco de Estrategia de Atención a Crisis.

Fuente: Miguel Martínez (2020). Basado en Strategize de Roman Pichler (12).

Gráfica 5: Roadmap Ejemplificativo.

Fuente: Mindwires.

Gráfica 6: Fases de atención a una crisis.

Fuente: Miguel Martínez (2020). Elaboración Propia basado en Gartner (6).

Agile es una estrategia para la respuesta, recuperación y renovación de los negocios, útil para enfrentar casi cualquier tipo de crisis, nos permite acelerar nuestra transformación digital, combinada con el trabajo remoto y apalancada con la normalización de una nueva forma de trabajo, como líder ejecutivo de un negocio, ¿esperas que otra crisis impacte a tu negocio?,  te invitamos a transformarte para que este impacto sea positivo y tu empresa goce de ventajas, en Exponential Agility te podemos ayudar.

Contáctanos a:

Muchas gracias por leer nuestros artículos.

Miguel Martínez, octubre 2020.


  1. AG, D. (2020, March 10). Respond and Recover | Crisis management in unprecedented times. Retrieved August 20, 2020, from
  2. Allas, T., Sjatil, P. E., Stern, S., &amp; Windhage, E. (2020, April). How European businesses can position themselves for recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  3. C, B., 2020. Domains Of Business Agility – Business Agility Institute. [online] Business Agility Institute. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2020].
  4. Dreyfus model of skill acquisition. (2020, June 18). Retrieved September 18, 2020, from
  5. Harvard business essentials: Crisis management: Master the skills to prevent disasters. (2004). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  6. Howard, C., 2020. Reset Your Business Strategy In COVID-19 Recovery. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2020].
  7. Mahadevan, D. (2018, February 20). ING’s agile transformation. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from
  8. Mitchell, C. (n.d.). The Conference Board – TCB C Suite Challenge 2020 Covid19 Recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  9. LEANTALK, 2020. The Ultimate Lean Talk Forum and Blog- About Us. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 September 2020].
  10. One, V. (n.d.). 14th Annual State of Agile Report. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  11. O’rreally, B. (2020, May 11). Scaling Innovation Means Descaling Work. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  12. Pichler, R. (2016). Strategize: Product strategy and product roadmap practices for the digital age. Lieu de publication non identifié, DE: Pichler Consulting.
  13. Saenz, H., Supko, M., &amp; O’Keefe, D. (n.d.). Why Return to “Normal” When You Can Recover to a Winning Position? Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
SelfOrganization & Delivery Responsability,

Ten Minimum Viable Capabilities of an Agile Transformation (5/5).

According to the Business Agility Institute, business agility

It is the ability and willingness of an organization to adapt, create and take advantage of change for the benefit of its customers.”

This simple statement exposes the dramatic mindset shift necessary for agile organizations.

Where the way you respond to the market is more reliably predictable than the way the market responds to you. So far, we have developed the following 3 main themes:

  1. Enterprise scaling and its similarities to agile scaling.
  2. 10 minimum skills required to transform a business.
  3. Exponential Agility Model of a Company.

Today we will reaffirm how agile can help us overcome the current crisis and deliberately prepare to face any type of future crisis, such as through digital transformation or any other strategy depending on the priorities to be addressed.

10. Cultural and business transformation.

The internalization of the cultural and business transformation in a complete organization is a challenge especially when it is a large corporate with more than 100 years of existence, since, in a digital transformation strategy, it is necessary that we observe the advantages of its physical model and the opportunities of your digital model, the former will be intrinsic strengths that allow you to compete like no other, the latter will keep you at the forefront in this transformation.

Figure 1: Crisis care model.

Source: Gartner (2020).

It is very important that the organization or large corporate requires different versions of itself according to the turbulence of the environment that occurs, which, if it is a fact that organizations that are already working agile, have moved quickly in this curve recession accentuated by the pandemic, this has even allowed them to climb to higher levels, due to the advance of their digital transformation, like others that started, are obtaining a performance above the average and those that have not done agile and are tending to disappear, below average.

Figure 2: Post-pandemic framework for responding to a crisis.

Source: Gartner (2020).

I believe that some agile initiatives should evolve deliberately, such as intra-startups when they are successful, make a vertical scaling, which allows them to compete directly with the market and generate a different version of the business that incubates them in such a way that the latter prepare their new version, satisfying the market with new products and / or services. Some companies in the market do it as an innovation strategy that requires real investment, to generate and serve new markets, thus generating an exponential business, which, although it will not be a unicorn, will perform above the market average in the that you are, which will lead you to be the leader of it.

An agile organization is conceived as one in which its strategies represent the ability to create value and respond to constant change, constantly planning and adapting its initial plans through timely and continuous continuous learning, to focus on identifying what is meaningful, fundamental, thus satisfying customer needs as quickly as possible.

Figure 3: Possible Roadmap to navigate a crisis.

Source: Gartner (2020).

To create an agile organization from end to end, it will be necessary to take into account the size, the transformation process, the life span it has, the business domain. We achieve an agile business by executing agile with agile, thus our center is in the transformation of the transformation processes and value delivery, while at the same time we create a work system based on a way of thinking and doing different from the agile business.

Thus, the leader of the organization should assume an explicit role, not only as a strategist, but as a designer and administrator of the complex reality of the environment, allowing the creation of sustainable, self-organizing, learning, agile and exponential organizations.

Organizational redesign implies the internalization of new values ​​and of a unique new generation operating model prepared for turbulent environments, which crosses the entire organization, an operating model of an exponential and disruptive organization in the market, like the following one, which will be our topic of conversation in a following article.

Today we will move on to here, if you have any questions or comments about it, feel free to contact us directly and ask us.

Many greetings.

Miguel A. G. Martínez H., September 2020.


  • AG, D. (2020, March 10). Respond and Recover | Crisis management in unprecedented times. Retrieved August 20, 2020, from
  • Allas, T., Sjatil, P. E., Stern, S., &amp; Windhage, E. (2020, April). How European businesses can position themselves for recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • C, B., 2020. Domains Of Business Agility – Business Agility Institute. [online] Business Agility Institute. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2020].
  • Dreyfus model of skill acquisition. (2020, June 18). Retrieved September 18, 2020, from
  • Howard, C., 2020. Reset Your Business Strategy In COVID-19 Recovery. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2020].
  • Mahadevan, D. (2018, February 20). ING’s agile transformation. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from
  • Mitchell, C. (n.d.). The Conference Board – TCB C Suite Challenge 2020 Covid19 Recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • LEANTALK, 2020. The Ultimate Lean Talk Forum And Blog- About Us. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 September 2020].
  • One, V. (n.d.). 14th Annual State of Agile Report. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • O’rreally, B. (2020, May 11). Scaling Innovation Means Descaling Work. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • Saenz, H., Supko, M., &amp; O’Keefe, D. (n.d.). Why Return to “Normal” When You Can Recover to a Winning Position? Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
Servant & Multiplier Leadership,

Diez capacidades mínimas viables de una transformación de agile (5/5).

Según el Business Agility Institute, la agilidad del negocio

es la capacidad y la voluntad de una organización para adaptarse, crear y aprovechar el cambio en beneficio de sus clientes”.

Esta simple declaración expone el dramático cambio de mentalidad necesario para las organizaciones ágiles.

Donde la forma en que respondes al mercado es más predecible de manera confiable que la forma en que el mercado te responde.

Hasta aquí, hemos desarrollado los siguientes 3 grandes temas:

  1. Escalado empresarial y sus similitudes con el escalado de agile.
  2. 10 capacidades mínimas requeridas para transformar un negocio.
  3. Modelo de Agilidad Exponencial de una Empresa.

El día de hoy reafirmaremos como agile nos puede ayudar a sortear la crisis actual y prepararnos de forma deliberada para enfrentar cualquier tipo de crisis futura como lo ha sido mediante la transformación digital o cualquier otra estrategia dependiendo de las prioridades a atender.

10. Transformación cultural y del negocio.

La interiorización de la transformación cultural y del negocio, en una organización completa es un desafío sobre todo cuando es un gran corporativo con más de 100 años de existencia, ya que, en una estrategia de transformación digital, es necesario que observemos las ventajas de su modelo físico y las oportunidades de su modelo digital, las primeras serán fortalezas intrínsecas que le permitieran competir como ningún otro, las segundas lo mantendrán a la vanguardia en esta transformación.

Figura 1: Modelo de atención a Crisis.

Fuente: Gartner (2020)

Es muy importante que la organización o gran corporativo, requiera de diversas versiones de sí mismo de acuerdo a la turbulencia del entorno que se presenta, lo que, si es un hecho que las organizaciones que ya están trabajando agile, han transitado rápidamente en esta curva de recesión acentuada por la pandemia, ello les ha permitido inclusive escalar a niveles mayores, debido al avance de su transformación digital, al igual que otras que iniciaban, están obteniendo un rendimiento por arriba del promedio y aquellas que no han hecho agile y están tendientes a desaparecer, por debajo del promedio.

 Figura 2: Marco de Trabajo de post-pandemia para la atención a una crisis.

Fuente: Gartner (2020)

Creo que algunas iniciativas agiles debieran evolucionar de forma deliberada, como intra-emprendimientos al momento de ser exitosas, hacer un escalado vertical, que les permita competir directamente con el mercado y generar una versión distinta a la del negocio que las incuba de tal forma que preparen estos últimos su nueva versión, satisfaciendo al mercado con nuevos productos y/o servicios. Algunas empresas en el mercado lo hacen como una estrategia de innovación que requiere inversión real, para generar y atender nuevos mercados, generando así un negocio exponencial, que, si bien no será un unicornio, tendrá una actuación por encima del promedio del mercado en el que se encuentra, lo cual lo llevará a ser líder del mismo.

Una organización ágil se concibe como aquella en la cual sus estrategias representan la habilidad para crear valor y responder al cambio constante, planificando y adaptando de manera constante sus planes iniciales mediante el aprendizaje continuo oportuno y continuo, para centrarse en la identificación de lo que es significativo, fundamental, satisfaciendo así las necesidades de los clientes tan pronto como sea posible.

Figura 1: Posible Roadmap para transitar una crisis.

Fuente: Gartner (2020).

Para crear una organización ágil de punta a punta será necesario tomar en cuenta el tamaño, el proceso de transformación, el tiempo de vida que tiene, el dominio de negocio. Un negocio ágil lo logramos ejecutando ágil con ágil, así nuestro centro se encuentra en la transformación de los procesos de transformación y entrega de valor, mientras paralelamente creamos un sistema de trabajo fundamentado en una forma de pensar y hacer distintas que el negocio ágil.

Así el líder de la organización debiera asumir un rol explícito, no solo como estratega, sino como diseñador y administrador de la realidad compleja del entorno, permitiendo crear organizaciones sostenibles, auto-organizables, de aprendizaje, organizaciones ágiles y exponenciales.

El rediseño organizacional implica la interiorización de nuevos valores y de un modelo operativo único de nueva generación preparado para entornos turbulentos, que cruce a toda la organización, un modelo operativo de una organización exponencial y disruptiva en el mercado, como el siguiente, el cual será nuestro tema de conversación en un siguiente artículo.

El día de hoy avanzaremos hasta aquí, si tienes duda o comentarios al respecto, siéntete con total libertad de contactarnos directamente y preguntarnos.

Muchos saludos.

Miguel Angel Guadalupe Martínez Hernández, septiembre 2020.


  • AG, D. (2020, March 10). Respond and Recover | Crisis management in unprecedented times. Retrieved August 20, 2020, from
  • Allas, T., Sjatil, P. E., Stern, S., &amp; Windhage, E. (2020, April). How European businesses can position themselves for recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • C, B., 2020. Domains Of Business Agility – Business Agility Institute. [online] Business Agility Institute. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2020].
  • Dreyfus model of skill acquisition. (2020, June 18). Retrieved September 18, 2020, from
  • Howard, C., 2020. Reset Your Business Strategy In COVID-19 Recovery. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2020].
  • Mahadevan, D. (2018, February 20). ING’s agile transformation. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from
  • Mitchell, C. (n.d.). The Conference Board – TCB C Suite Challenge 2020 Covid19 Recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • LEANTALK, 2020. The Ultimate Lean Talk Forum And Blog- About Us. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 September 2020].
  • One, V. (n.d.). 14th Annual State of Agile Report. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • O’rreally, B. (2020, May 11). Scaling Innovation Means Descaling Work. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • Saenz, H., Supko, M., &amp; O’Keefe, D. (n.d.). Why Return to “Normal” When You Can Recover to a Winning Position? Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
SelfOrganization & Delivery Responsability,

Ten Minimum Viable Capabilities of an Agile Transformation (4/5).

Collaboration is like a populated ocean, a giant and immaterial extension of complex communication systems, which enable the effective interaction of its habitants.” Exponential Agility (2020).

In this phase, if we have followed the previous steps, increasing the capabilities of the business, what we will obtain is a business, mature and sustained in agile to be able to scale, remember that what we scale is collaboration, and the other capabilities, maturity is an objective. What we want is to keep productivity and investments as uniform as possible throughout our initial agile environment (more than 3 scrum teams), to achieve this, we need to scale a set of mature initiatives and their interaction between them.

As we have seen, there are different types of scaling, vertical scaling, focused on maximizing the value of a specific initiative until it becomes an exponential initiative or organization.

8.Agile at Scale

Horizontal scaling, which aims to achieve a goal with a very large scope at the extended enterprise level, to coordinate the integration of the value generated by hundreds of participating teams in synthesized value streams. Scaling up is an adaptive change challenge, full of “wicked problems,” as design thinking describes, that are unique to each organization. Remember that we must work deliberately and intentionally on creation, maturity, and stabilization. of collaboration, since it is what we are going to scale, through sustained development and growth.

Every organization is different, although scaling is related to collaboration, we scale it, if we have problems in our collaboration approaches, both vertical and horizontal, we will scale them to their maximum potential for dysfunctionality and that is not what we want. What we want is to keep productivity and investments as uniform as possible throughout our initial agile environment (more than 3 scrum teams), to achieve this, we need to scale a set of mature initiatives and their interaction between them.

Therefore, we can outline a scaling meta-backlog (Similar to what is described in this series of articles), so that each cycle (that is, each month) we can validate our main hypothesis together with escalation experts to guide our initiative ” Escalation MVP”. We may not even need to scale if we can achieve higher productivity with the equipment we already have. Do agile with agile, not climb agile with waterfall, does it exist?

Figure 1: Agile Scaling Roadmap MVP.

Source: Miguel Martínez (2020). Own Elaboration.

A scaling challenge is similar to a business escalation, for us it will be an “intra-business escalation”, where we have peaks and valleys, which we must identify, to overcome the obstacles and achieve the future state, remember that we should execute agile with agile, with the objective that the capacities built are the base of the following ones, thus creating an environment of sustained collaboration.

Figure 2: The Nexus Scaling Framework.


The center of scaling resides in identifying, minimizing and removing dependencies, only with a firm foundation can we scale successfully. In reality, we can produce less and be less efficient for a time, as teams face the additional complexities that scaling brings, so maturity of the agile environment is important before scaling, because there will be fewer obstacles and we will also have strong teams to overcome them.

Figure 3: The LeSS Scaling Framework.


As such, it’s important to get the most out of the teams we currently have and help them become more efficient and effective before looking to scale their efforts. Before we start climbing, we must seek to achieve more, with what we already have.

Figure 4: The SAFE Scaling Framework.


At this point, it is very important that investment management is connected to the strategic themes of the organization, which will be our northern stars to follow, to contribute or directly achieve the business objectives. We will develop this topic extensively in future articles.

9.Extension of Blueprints or strategic themes.

Lean portfolio management provides us with a higher-level planning perspective in an agile framework, and refers to the definition, refinement, prioritization and financing of business initiatives for implementation by delivery teams and programs. These initiatives are regularly referred to as epic and once approved at the portfolio level, they translate into implementable features, which must be realized by delivery program teams. A program is a collection of linked products, involving multiple teams of collaborators.

Each business unit within a company will have a portfolio of income generating products and / or services. Each portfolio is guided by a strategy, or set of Strategic Themes, and supported by the people and processes necessary to carry out that strategy. Portfolio-level artifacts include:

Strategic themes, epics (business epics and enablers), a Portfolio Kanban and a Portfolio Backlog. Defines the total set of actions required to take a product / service from its characterization to its commissioning.

Figure 5: Portfolio based on strategic themes.


Institutional alignment includes organizational leadership, knowledge of the vision, strategy and tactics of the business, and the alignment of each program, vision, strategy and product tactics as a value stream, the commitment of the various stakeholders is very important. in the process in order to maintain flexibility and stability of the strategy at the same time, a practice that helps us to keep an environment aligned and prepare it to scale is the practice of agile product management, since the artifacts that it generates will allow us to integrate the value of each of the initiatives at the time of executing the corresponding value flows.

When we work on the creation of an agile work environment, it is very important that business leaders, at the management level, know the value of agility and know how to leverage it to obtain strong results, culture should not eat strategy at breakfast , the leaders are the ones in charge of this not happening and they are the ones who will set the example in the co-creation of these capacities.

As a practical experience in a transformation, when interacting at this level: “It was the first of several meetings we held in this regard, our agenda consisted of socializing the vision, strategy and tactics of about 15 products / services in a digital business unit banking, we had to share the vision and strategy, aligned with the bank’s transformation strategy, it was our first early step towards imminent scaling, we had been using Nexus as a work base and we sought to complement it with a Lean Portfolio Management practice. In the first three presentations, the executives present in the session were not used to the level of transparency shown, they did not understand why there should be strategy at that level, because it had to be repeated, the strategy at that time only corresponded to the CEO and his staff , to no one else, the culture was siloficated, with about 10 bastions, who served as the CEOs of their business units, which were managed by results and each one separately, there were projects that overlapped and one of the CEO’s tasks was to identify them, but ultimately the culture is planned because the strategy was divided and not transparent, I remember that the first session lasted until the executives present requested the signing of the commitments that were established in the agile roadmaps of each product, these they should not change and the perspective should be at least 1 year ”, those were the indications. Carrying out an inspection and adaptation of this session, we proceeded to identify the elements for improvement, it took approximately 3 to 6 months, in each case, to change this perspective through awareness, training at these levels, training in agile strategy and product management. The next session, in the following 3 months, was much better for us, we had an attendance of at least 10 interested parties at the executive level, with a previous syncretic preparation, in which we previously reviewed the relevant points to show, the problems and the decisions to be made In a synthetic and executive way, only one case had to rework the information of an initiative. That was a key planning of how we began to modify the culture and win the required commitments at the management level.

Figure 6: Strategic Issues in SAFE.


One of the next steps implied that just as we had created teams at the operational level, at the tactical level, it was important to create prioritization teams at the strategic level, self-organized teams, with roles similar to scrum or Kanban, but where decisions about the products and experiments were collegiate, as well as the funding of various projects, finally they applied Scrum or Kanban, but at another level, it was necessary to talk with these teams at the level of investments, benefits, customer impact, financial business, cost reduction, savings, recovery of investments, risks, scrum or Kanban being the same base but personalized to the context where we were located, this allowed us to create portfolio prioritization teams at a strategic level, which allowed great progress in the transformation with respect to the flattening of hierarchical structures, obviously there were always antagonistic figures that gave us greater impetus in the better pray continue.

Today we will move on to here, if you have any questions or comments about it, feel free to contact us directly and ask us.

Many greetings.

Miguel A. G. Martínez H., September 2020,


  • AG, D. (2020, March 10). Respond and Recover | Crisis management in unprecedented times. Retrieved August 20, 2020, from
  • Allas, T., Sjatil, P. E., Stern, S., &amp; Windhage, E. (2020, April). How European businesses can position themselves for recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • Dreyfus model of skill acquisition. (2020, June 18). Retrieved September 18, 2020, from
  • Mahadevan, D. (2018, February 20). ING’s agile transformation. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from
  • Mitchell, C. (n.d.). The Conference Board – TCB C Suite Challenge 2020 Covid19 Recovery. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • LEANTALK, 2020. The Ultimate Lean Talk Forum And Blog- About Us. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 September 2020].
  • One, V. (n.d.). 14th Annual State of Agile Report. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • O’rreally, B. (2020, May 11). Scaling Innovation Means Descaling Work. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
  • Saenz, H., Supko, M., &amp; O’Keefe, D. (n.d.). Why Return to “Normal” When You Can Recover to a Winning Position? Retrieved September 10, 2020, from